Wednesday, June 16, 2010

You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.

Hello Blog world! Yesterday's cooking went really well thanks to a big help from blog reader and contributor L'ara. Thanks L'ara! We made two different kinds of pin wheels, cinnamon rolls with frosting, corn muffins, butter milk biscuits, and honey butter. Then we made a disgusting amount of nachos and ate them. It only took a long time because my daughter is RIDICULOUS. She refused let L'ara hold her. But L'ara was really good about it and powered thru the ear piercing crying and took her outside and around the house and eventually got her to nap for a little bit so I could finish things up and put everything on the fancy plates I bought and plastic wrap them.
Seth was super impressed. I'm not sure how the food went over though because I haven't heard from him all day. He wanted me to bring Evelynn out to meet his boss and the ladies of his team (he wanted me to take her to one of the classier steakhouses last night to meet everyone but he gave me a half hours notice and because Evelynn had been crying all day that meant that she was vomiting up all the air she took in and bringing lots of lovely curdled vomit with her. So I wasn't about to try to get pretty, get my kid and myself pretty and not smelling like vomit, and out the door in a half hour. HAHAHA Its funny because he seriously thought I could do it)
He got home at a decent time but had to work some more and of course it was bath night so we were up super late. He has been getting up early everyday this week so far and doing his PX90 that I got him for Father's Day. He's really into it and likes it because he can get a work out in and its a good workout. I'm tentatively mulling doing the "lean" version of the program (its a little less intense) myself starting next week if I can find an hour to myself. So far I can get Evie to sit or sleep by herself for thirty minutes tops, I may have to do two thirty minute sessions in a day. Luckily I have that kind of flexible schedule. Perks of being home all day.
I'm super excited because I got three books in the mail from Amazon that Seth ordered for me last week. First of course is Backseat Saints by Josilyn Jackson (YAY!) and the other two are cookbooks. And two cookbooks from opposite ends of the spectrum. One is called "Now Eat This!" by Rocco DiSpirito (of TV's The Resturant-best reality show ever) and the other is by one of my favorite bloggers Ree Drummond of Pioneer Woman called "Pioneer Woman Cooks". Ree's calls for butter, Rocco's calls for NOT BUTTER. I figure I will use Rocco's for my weekly meals with just Seth and I and Ree's for family get togethers to impress them with my mad cooking skills and fill their bellies with greatness. Ree's book is so good and it reads like a story and has great pictures. I found myself welling up when she writes about breastfeeding her first baby, I knew exactly what she was talking about. I also love her sense of humor in the book. I'm seriously considering gifting the book to family and friends for Christmas, but then they would know my cooking secret, but I love it that much!
We have a lot going on this weekend. I'm almost overwhelmed with it. Mostly because Seth's family will be in town and want to see us and have him help his brother move, but because Seth has been uber busy, he hasn't been able to communicate to them that he won't be able to help. Seth's brother called last night to say he was staying here Friday night, but Seth has been saying all week that he will be lucky to come home at a decent hour any night this week, and Evelynn is enough of a handful. Then Saturday I'm marching in the Papillion Day's parade for my Mom's float. Seth has to stay home and take care of Evelynn because she would not do well in a 2 mile parade in 90 degree weather, and you can't just threaten the float driver at gun point to let you drive off in the ac in the float and leave the parade behind because you have a cranky baby. Then Saturday night is kind of Seth and I's father's day celebration, I'm taking him to see Iron Man 2 and my parents are watching the baby. The Sunday we are doing Father's Day with my Dad by going to Zum Biergarten for dinner.
I have no idea what is going on next week besides dinner with Cheeto and Whitney on Monday. I'm hoping that the rest of the week and weekend is pretty calm to recover from this week!

Here are some spoilers tonite for SYTYCD from
illy & Lauren – Broadway – Tyce Diorio
Alex & Allison – Jazz – Sonya Tayeh
Ashley & Neil – Contemporary – Tyce Diorio
Adéchiké & Kathryn – Contemporary/Jazz – Travis Wall
Cristina & Mark – Jazz – Sonya Tayeh
Lauren & Ade – Contemporary – Mandy Moore
Robert & Courtney – African Jazz? – Sean Cheesman
Jose & Comfort – Hip Hop – NappyTabs
Kent & Anya – Ballroom – Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin
Alexie & Twitch – Hip Hop – NappyTabs
Melinda & Pasha – Ballroom – Tony Meredith and Melanie LaPatin

Alright friends I'd better finish the book I'm reading so I can start Backseat Saints!

Love (new books),

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