Friday, June 4, 2010

Everything of importance has been said before by somebody who did not discover it.

Oh friends, just when I think it will be so easy to blog because the man of the house is off with business travel, I am resoundingly wrong. I forget how I don't get a break and when the world ends (ie Tuesday night) how alone I am when he's gone. But he's back now and I am very very glad. Especially since when he travels, he usually puts in so many hours that he can take the rest of the week off.

It was no secret around these parts that I wanted a little boy when I first got pregnant. But in the end, it doesn't really matter, about halfway thru your pregnancy you stop being disappointed and start just wanting a healthy baby, or at least I did. Most of the time, I don't think of Evelynn as a gender at all, I just think of her as "the baby" only when I'm putting her in an adorable sun dress before we head out to pick up Seth do I stop and go, oh, she is a little girl. I wonder if that is just a weird "me" thing.

For the record, I love having a little girl and I love all the clothes and the pink and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My daughter has a temper, as she grows older it's developing more and more. If she doesn't like who is holding her, or if you aren't paying enough attention to her or reading her cues of what she wants to do, she starts "calling the dolphins" (what I call her high pitched shriek) and when that doesn't work she full on works herself up into a fit. Ugh. She is her mother's daughter alright.

We have a wedding this weekend and I go back and forth on if I want to go or not. Luckily our friends Holly and Ty, Holly who is a nurse, are going to watch Evie, so that makes me feel loads better, since if something is wrong she can handle it. Plus Holly comes over a lot to help out and Evie just loves her. And since my kid has developed an early form of "stranger danger" it is very comforting to know she won't be screeching the entire time we are gone.

My grandparents are on their way right now to see Evelynn. They called this morning and asked if they could stop by. Then they called later to see if it was still okay even thought they were much later than they wanted to be. I was like, it's funny that you think I do something all day.

At the suggestion of blog reader "Hamburg Adventures" I am making Evelynn a crotched crib blanket. I must have crotched for four hours straight Wednesday and now my hand is all cramped and sore. It's looking very pretty though!

Yesterday I had a fun lunch with a blog contributor to Carrie-on Baggage L'ara. We are both unemployed stay at home Mom's although her is not by choice. We had a fun lunch and vowed to do it every other week. Let's hope I can keep that up!

I'm so excited that So You Think You Can Dance has started again! I really love how they don't waste a bunch of time *coughIDOLcough* on auditions and the cut process. Because really I just want to see the dancing and start falling in love with my favorites. I'm so excited that they are bringing back dancers from seasons past this year!! I'm worried though that we won't get to see some of the more interesting dances like Bollywood since the type of dance they contestant does is based on the specialty of the all start that they draw out of the hat. We will see though!

Burn Notice started last night and I'm excited to get that season going again. The first episode did not disappoint!

I watched half of Dhani (I had to wait for Seth) but it was fun as usual. I'm actually more excited to see next week's episode!! The commercials look so good!

Alright, well I will definitely try to blog again this weekend, maybe with some pictures, since I slagged off this week so much! Hope you all have a lovely week!

Love (catching up),

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