Thursday, May 14, 2009

We are the people our parents warned us about.

Hi all! *waves* it’s been a while since we’ve had a proper blog entry. I've missed you! Did you miss me? I hope you enjoyed the pictures from our vacation. I have yet to get some up of Hollywood Studios, but I’m still sick from the Star Wars ride, so it may be awhile. :-)

Vacation recap
I’ll keep it short for you:
Thursday-got off work early (thanks boss!) and finished packing and errands and watching the DVR, went to bed uber late
Friday-woke up super early, flew to Orlando, Ellyn missed her flight, went to a grocery store, waited for Ellyn’s new flight to arrive, went to the pool with Mom and took a nap (BEST NAP EVER) with Seth, went shopping, and went to Texas De Brazil with the family where Seth died and went to meat heaven.
Saturday-Went to the Magic Kingdom, it was awesome, had to wring my pants out after Splash Mountain, cried during the Parade when Mary Poppins went by, ate Giridonos pizza and went shopping.
Sunday-Went to Epcot, got sick on Mission Space and cried, went on a dozen other rides, cried at the World Showcase of Germany because it was so realistic and like my childhood, ate at a Biergarten and cried because it was just like home for me and my family, got to watch the fireworks from a SPECIAL place on the boat dock and cried because I love my family and fireworks.
Monday- Went to Hollywood Studios, rode a lot of rides, the Aerosmith Rollercoaster and Tower of Terror were my favorites, Star Wars made me sick and then I cried, we watched the Muppets in 3D which was awesome, and then we went to the airport where it rained for the first time in 3 weeks, lightning hit the tarmac, we were delayed , we finally got home at 11 where Seth missed our turn on the interstate, we got gas and Jimmy Johns and went home and watched Castle and cuddled with the furbabies. They missed us very much.
Best Vacation ever, even though I cried a lot, but it was happy crying, The End.

How does your garden grow?
My garden is taking off! I have pictures, but they are waiting to be posted. The radish’s, beans, spinach and lettuce are up. I should rake the weeds tonite in between the rows, but I’ll probably take a nap when I get home instead. The tomatoes are still looking iffy, but my mom says they are fine. It was really exciting to come home and see that things are starting to come up! Hopefully one of the watermelon plants makes it, right now it is not looking good. The two plants doing the best are cucumbers and peppers.

Pomp and Circumstance
My cousin Dalton is graduating this weekend, which is like THE WIERDEST THING EVER, because in my head, he’s still the little kid with the squeaky voice that follows my brother around and looks to him like he’s a god. It is so weird that he’s all OLD and college age and has a goatee. *sidebar* on Big Bang Theory (great show) this week I learned that a goatee without a mustache is called a Van Dyke. *end sidebar*

American Idol thoughts
JESUS LOVES US!!! He booted Danny Gokey. Smarmy Danny GEWkey with all of his ickiness and slimeiness.
Heavy Baggage Blogger L’ara totally called Kris Allen WAY back, but that’s because she’s in love with him. If he wins this whole thing I might start placing bets on who she likes for So You Think You Can Dance.

Upcoming TV
Glee-watch the premiere on May 19th on Fox and tell me what you think, it’s getting RAVE reviews, plus it has singing which I like.
So You Think You Can Dance- BEST SHOW EVER. Starts May 21st on Fox and just know, this blog will be FULL of SYTYCD thoughts. That’s the acronym, just FYI.
Burn Notice-hot and sexy and fun and innovative, starts June 5th on USA

Exciting TV news
Castle has been picked up for a second season!

Back to the grind
Alright I’d better act like I work here. I hope you have a great day-leave your comments below!!!

Love (to be a professional blogger),

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