Thursday, June 18, 2009

Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents' shortcomings.

It would be better if you were Friday-but I will take you as you come.

Let’s talk about it.
Evan and Randi doing a Jive by Louis Van Amstel-Loved it! Voted for them, but that could be because I love them. I thought it was fun (!) and they performed it with a lot of energy.
Ade and Melissa doing Jazz by Sonya Tayeh- Oh Sonya…you live in a very weird world. And I dig it. I voted for them too.
Jason and Caitlin doing Hip Hop by Shane Sparks- Dude, what did America’s next dance crew do to my Shane Sparks? What was that? And why does he look so OLD?
Brandon and Janette doing Disco by Doriana Sanchez- Now I’m the first one to admit that Disco is usually the kiss of death in this competition but WOW! They did not stop moving!! It was awesome! I voted for them.
Vitolio and Asuka doing Waltz by Louis van Amstel – Louis, I am fast loving you. You made me CRY, but I’m a sucker for that heart string pulling stuff. I voted for them.
Max and Kayla doing Pop Jazz by Brian Friedman – Oh Brian Friedman, where have you been? It’s been forever! I really enjoyed this one too, I like when they use props. I voted for them, even though Max kind of creeps me out, I love Kayla.
Jonathan and Karla doing Contemporary by Stacey Tookey - *meh*
Philip and Jeanine doing American Tango by Tony Meredith - *meh*
Kupono and Ashley doing Hip Hop by Shane Sparks- this piece really could have been hard hitting and explosive but it wasn’t and that made me sad.

And can we STOP having Lil C as a judge? He’s just making shit up, for real. He goes home and gets a dictionary and finds words that sound good together, writes them down and then uses them on the show, no matter if they fit or not. He’s annoying. Stick to chorography. You don’t see Tony Meredith trying to judge, do you??
And for those of you who can’t stand Mary Murphy-hit the standard Mary Murphy Mute or Fast Forward on your remote, it’s what we do at home.
Also…now that I think I about it, you know what would be AWESOME? If the chorographers were asked at the end of the piece how their vision was portrayed. I was very interested to know if the routines Shane’s Sparks put out were what he wanted, he looked REALLY grumpy in the audience every time they showed him.

We are off to the not that kind of dealer dirty babies!
So Seth found a CRV (I hyperlinked it but I don’t know how long it will be up) that he thinks is do able, and I think that if I get a car with that many luxury items I will FAINT. Things I’ve never dreamed of like radio controls in the dash, heated mirrors, the radio that turns itself up and down based on how fast you are going, a plug in for my ipod, a stereo that tells you what’s playing, a computer system in the dash that tells you all sorts of cool stuff like how many miles you have left on your tank of gas, and it gets AMAZING gas mileage for an SUV. Which if you know me, you know I have ridden in SUV’s my whole life, and when I get into a car I feel like I’m getting into a coffin, so I have never been able to own one-the last time I had one was my first car, the probe. And I was a walking death trap in that thing. So yay that I might get a new car, but boo that I have to do that whole dealership dance-I HATE that part. Seth thinks its do able, but we will see. I would miss Sucky the VUE, but not all that much since it’s been making a funny noise if I go over 50.
In preparation for maybe selling off Sucky, yesterday I had to clean her up…essentially make her look like a WHORE. I made her all shiny and attractive. I cleaned her out so there were no more traces of the girl who drives 66 miles a day and lives in her car. Cheese-it boxes were given the heave-ho, the 25 purses I think is necessary to survive were shuffled into the house and out of the backseat. I even stashed my 45 half drank water bottles under the passenger seat.
Then I got out this Mr. Clean Car Wash kit thingy I got on the clearance aisle. Man what a crock of nonsense this thing is. My Dad would be MORTIFIED that I used soap on my car. I’m still wondering what got into me. It smelled pretty. But it didn’t work worth a dang. And now all the road dirt stuck to the soap. Plus it took FOREVER to figure out and it was hotter than hades outside yesterday. Needless to say I’m kind of okay with parting with Sucky right now. Although she was my “Independent Woman Car”, the first thing I bought with my new “real job” and I have always made the payments with no help from anyone. Not even when I had no job in Sioux Falls and Seth offered to make a payment. Ahh I love being married to a math nerd who calculates that it would be cheaper for me to get this car. Fingers crossed it all works out.

Random Question
To my blog stalkers reading in California-do you sit in traffic forever? See I think I have this stereotype that you have to get up at the crack of dawn and sit in traffic for HOURS. And honk at each other and make obscene hand gestures. I’m not sure if that is accurate. Anywhoo-if it’s true-HOW IN THE HELL DO YOU DO IT? I drive 33 miles (45 minutes) every day to work and if I don’t pee before I leave each place, I’m practically in tears on the exit ramps because I have to pee so bad. So in my head, you people in Cali are peeing in your car seats-just FYI.

Work? We don’t need no stinking work!
Alright well I’d better act like I work here, since I do have a lot of it to do.
Hope you all have a productive and happy Thursday-the weekend is almost here! Did you remember Sunday is Father’s Day? If not, there is your reminder.

Love (my pops and my potential new car *squee!*),


  1. LOVE the new car!! Hope it works out for you, you guys better go nab it before someone else does! OK, SYTYCD...the jive was freaking awesome! And so was the disco, which like you I also see it as the kiss of death. But this one was really good, and good recovery by Janette! Lil C needs to get his head out of his ass because he sure was talking out of all night. Geez. And Mary Murphy isn't so bad, but she looks like she may have put on some weight since last season, dont you think? Props to her anyways for losing it in the first place! I freaking love Brian Friedman and Shane Sparks, well, I don't even know what to say. I think he's been talking too much on ABDC and not choreographing. Here's to even more better stuff next week!!

  2. You know she fluctuates, I think it depends on what she is wearing...sometimes though, you are right, she looks like a tank! I remember thinking that last season when she came out and danced with Dimitry.
    Who do you think will go home tonite!?!?

  3. Karla for girls, I think she's the weakest. And my least favorite. I don't think her performance last night was all that great. Guys is tough, though. Jason, maybe?? What do you think??

  4. Jason and Catlin for sure-they were terrible!


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