Wednesday, January 21, 2009

100 unique things about me and a new Baggage Blogger!

Hello all!
First off, I’d like to introduce another Baggage Blogger to our little blog-her name is L’ara and she is my close friend. My senior year in high school we were best friends and we were college roommates my freshman year in college. Until I became psychotic about Cheez-its. Hahaha. She loves to cook, watch TV, have great theme parties, shop, and be generally witty and snarky. So I’m sure she will blog to that effect. Let’s give her a big welcome and hope she blogs soon for us!
So in lieu of an actual direction for this blog, I’m just going to my stalled writing stand-by and I’m going to make a list.
Today’s list is: 100 Things that make me different…
1) I can’t sleep if the closet doors are open.
2) I can’t drink a drink with ice if I don’t have a straw, I don’t like when it hits my teeth.
3) I can drink soda in a can warm-I grew up in Europe where ice is a luxury.
4) I change my underpants twice a day.
5) I have become that person who comes home from work and puts on sweats and LOVES IT.
6) I don’t wear make up on the weekends if I don’t have to.
7) I don’t wash my hair on the weekends if I don’t have to (I still take bubble baths).
8) I majored in History.
9) I love winter and snow, and bad weather.
10) I hate the sun, anything that causes me to sweat, and being outdoors.
11) I can kill a plant by looking at it (luckily my mom can save it by looking at it)
12) I hate talking on the phone.
13) I watch at least 3 hours of television a day (actually 6 hours if you count commercials which I fast forward thru)
14) I am usually reading at least 4 books at one time and I can remember all of them.
15) I love to share my books, but hate when people don’t give them back.
16) I miss characters of books when they are gone, I feel empty without them.
17) Once a month Seth lets me go to the bookstore and buy books out of the bargain section.
18) I usually buy 5-10 books.
19) I choose books that are long and thick and hard backed-because I like the story to last long and I like the way they look on my shelf.
20) My fourth favorite thing in the world is taking a bubble bath and reading my books.
21) I love to hang out with my family-especially if dinner is involved.
22) I like to cook, but I generally use the same flavors and tastes that I love, like garlic and balsamic vinegar and Dijon mustard.
23) Gordon Ramsey is my favorite chef.
24) I enjoy watching crime dramas most of all on tv. I feel it gives me the ability to solve crimes and give legal advice.
25) I’m starting to recognize dancers from watching all my reality dance shows. ßThis does not mean I watch too many reality dance shows.
26) I listen to rap music…LOUDLY and enjoy it greatly.
27) On overcast rainy days if I am driving I must listen to a man with a guitar.
28) If I’m pudding around the house, I like to listen to girl singers.
29) I make up my own dance moves and hand motions to songs in the car-and do them pretty often.
30) I’m pretty passive aggressive.
31) I’m so passive aggressive I will generally just complain about things until someone gets fed up and does something about it.
32) I am a hermit, I’ve been one since 9th grade.
33) I wish there was more places to order takeout in Omaha.
34) I like to go to bed early on the week nights.
35) On Saturdays I usually stay up until 2, catching up on tv or reading.
36) I have a pica disorder. I eat fuzz. At least I know why now.
37) I can’t sleep with socks on.
38) I can’t sleep unless I have 2 blankets weighing me down, even if that means turning the air down to 50.
39) I’m not really into sweets. I could live without them.
40)I could not however live without cheese, potatoes, or bean burritos with sour cream.
41) I can’t sleep unless it’s black as night dark-even if I’m wearing my mask.
42) I still sleep with my baby blankie in a pillow case and my teddy bear.
43) I’m 27.
44)The fuzz I eat comes from the baby blankie.
45) Yes I wash it. It’s barely holding on.
46)My mom is the only person in the world who can fix my teddy bear’s worn down appendages.
47) I usually send her an email scheduling surgery for him.
48)I’m 27.
49)I pee with the bathroom door open. I do everything with the bathroom door open.
50) I’m secretly claustrophobic in the bathroom.
51) I only eat pink and red starbursts.
52) I love going to the movies, but never go. <--Because I’d have to leave my house.
53) I don’t like driving.
54) I’m a Daddy’s girl.
55) My dad still picks me up to take me places. Because he knows I hate driving.
56) My parents are still the smartest people I know, and who I go to for 95% of my advice.
57) I first knew I loved my husband when I found out he drove a black pick up truck that was a stick shift.
58) Pam and I started planning my wedding and children with Seth the day after I met him.
59) I have always known he was the one. Because really, you just know.
60)I can only eat ice cream with a small spoon-everything else I need a large spoon.
61) I don’t use small forks, Seth doesn’t use the big ones.
62) I love my cats because they talk back to me.
63) I love to have my picture taken.
64)There are clearly not enough pictures taken of me when my friends and I get together, mostly because I’m taking them.
65) I don’t drink, only on special occasions, and even then I feel bad when I do it.
66)I’m a vegetarian.
67) I buy at least 2 things of sour cream every time we go to the store.
68)I crotchet.
69)I am crocheting the world’s biggest blanket. I refuse to stop crocheting it because I want to be like that lady in Like Water for Chocolate.
70) When I watch movies alone, I fast forward thru the stupid boring parts, like the fighting scenes or the will she won’t she scenes or the montage scenes.
71) I have a very British sense of humor.
72) Eddie Izzard is my favorite comedian.
73) I get sad when networks cancel my shows.
74) I went into a depression when they cancelled Gilmore Girls.
75) I’m still crabby about Eli Stone and Pushing Daises being cancelled.
76) I grew up in Europe and still live there in my mind.
77) I love to give advice.
78) I drink V8 warm.
79) I can suck the inside of a pickle out with a straw.
80)Peanut-butter and pickle sandwiches are my favorite sandwich in the whole world and I don’t know HOW I even first came to eat them because no one I know likes it.
81) I hate when I ask questions in a email and people don’t answer them or blatantly ignore them and answer the other questions in the email.
82) Seth hid my engagement ring in my jumper cables and I never found it because I am a bad Samaritan.
83) Seth hid my papers for my engagement ring in his math books and I never found it because I hate math.
84)I always try and wear an undershirt. My Dad taught me that.
85) I have to brush my teeth and put lotion on my feet and say my prayers before I go to bed, or I will literally lay there and wonder why I can’t fall asleep, it nags at me. My mom taught me that.
86)My brother is the funniest person I know. Even if most of his one liners are directed at me.
87) I love to email, I do it all day long, and won’t quit doing it until you tell me you are busy and have actual work to do.
88)I have an unnatural amount of bed sheets.
89)There is very rarely NOT a song being sung in my head.
90)In college I was an RA and pretty much the worst RA ever.
91) I social network stalk people. Not so much now that it’s blocked at work, but if I’m home and bored, chances are I’m stalking you.
92) I use chap stick obsessively. In fact I just ordered 10 tubes of my grandma’s Avon chap stick from her because Seth is starting to use chap stick obsessively too.
93) I always write a thank you-my mom taught me that.
94)I have grand ideas and little follow-thru.
95) I voted for Obama.
96)I don’t like to get my haircut and usually only do it once every 6 months when I go in for a color.
97) I go thru spurts where I can eat the same thing every day for a week and still want it.
98)I always worry when my friends are short with me or don’t talk to me like they normally do that they hate me <--I.E. I am a paranoid worry wart.
99)I sleep with one million pillows on the bed.
100) I have a toe thumb.

Thanks to everyone who helped me write that list, I petered out around 89.
Okay well, I think that’s it for this morning at least!
If you want me to expand on any of my nuances, comment below!
Love to you all!


  1. You said that you're 27 twice!

  2. So many of these are the same for me. Some of them aren't-I don't have a toe thumb, for example.
    I learned alot. Hope you had fun at La'ra'ss


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