Thursday, January 29, 2009

Whachu Bloggin' bout Willis?

Happy Thursday All!
One more day until the Weekend of ROMANCE begins. Although from what I can tell, it should really just be retitled-the weekend of ALONE TIME. Because that’s all we are really shooting for. And since we are having that Stupid Bowl Party on Sunday-maybe it should just be retitled the weekend of LOVE. Because we are doing things we love. Like being alone together, watching football (Seth) and feeding our friends (me). So let’s just call it the weekend of LOVE.
I brought one of our many alarm clocks to work (we recently stopped using our alarm clocks in favor of our cell phones due to a power outage that almost had me sleeping thru an entire day. So now we have a grave yard of alarm clocks. I went thru this phrase where every clock was too bright and I couldn’t sleep so we went thru a lot of them) So I brought it to work so I could hear the radio and to apparently MOCK myself on how slow the day is going, except now its BIGGER and BRIGHTER, instead of small and tiny in the bottom of my screen. Not my best idea…
I started a new TV show last night, “Trust Me” on TNT-it comes on after “The Closer” which I like, I think purely for Kira Sedwick’s accent. Anyway “Trust Me” has Eric McCormick (formally Will from Will and Grace) and Tom Cavanagh (formally of Eli Stone as the Dad and some other show where he ran a bowling alley and he was a lawyer, I think it was called “Ed” or something) and it’s like the modern day Mad Men, I think is the best way to describe it. The fast pacing of the show reminds me a lot of Gilmore Girls. So far, I’m a fan. But I usually follow the three episodes and you’re out rule. So I’ll check back with you on this show after three episodes.
So a couple people asked me what blogs I am reading at work, I am a fan of a couple blogs so I thought I would share them here:
My first favorite one is one for cooking (I’m throwing this out there for you Karie!) she is a lady who you have to read the stories on the size but she tries to cook really yummy dishes healthy. Seth loves her chicken strip recipe.
She used to be a vegiterian but then got married and had to cook meat for her husband so a lot of her recipes are great for Seth and I because she tries to make it so vegetarians can eat it too, you just have to remove the meat. Also she has a lot of great sides. One of my favorite things (I WISH I had this skill) is that she can go to a restaurant, try a dish and then come home and make it. So a lot of times she has really good recipes from your favorite restaurants! Plus she is fun and cute and I want to be her so bad.

Another one I read daily is by my favorite author Joshilyn Jackson. I love reading her daily adventures of motherhood, writing, and living in Georgia. Plus she is also married to a nerd. And she loves a lot of the same stuff I do that no one has ever loved like I do, like Joss Whedon’s work, or Firefly, or even some of the books I read…and she’s funny, side splitting funny.

Carrie R recommended this blog which I’ve just started and is pretty cute:

And this is one is a friend from Joshilyn’s site:

I always check this site’s forums for spoilers about my favorite shows: and I also read the recaps they post there on shows.

Well I think that is it for today! I hope that tomorrow goes by super fast, and that GIANT INFERNAL CLOCK NEXT TO ME-reads 4:30 sooner rather than later.


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