Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless.

So don’t feel like working today…or including paragraph structure and headers in this post. Lucky you.

So I don’t know what the third ultrasound pictures malfunction is, but I will try to upload it again later.

Did you watch SYTYCD last night? I read the spoilers and knew who they were kicking off. I was impressed a lot this round. Here are my thoughts.
Noelle and Russell-Russell you know I love you and you deserved much better choreography. Seriously. Could we get a hard hitting hip-hop choreographer? Can Shane Sparks come back? PLEASE? All and all though, it was okay.
Jakob and Ashleigh-Ashleigh really impressed me, and I kind of don’t like her at all, so that’s saying a lot.
Victor and Bianca- yeah…I fast forwarded.
Mollee and Nathan-No one can beat Joshua and Katee’s Bollywood for me, like ever, but that came pretty dang close.
Channing and Phillip-Fast Forward, Channing looked awkward and I don’t even remember anything about that Philip guy.
Karen and Kevin-WOW. Yeah. Kudos to them, that was amazing. Who knew Nappy Tabs could choreograph something sexy?
Kathryn and Legacy- Whoa. This routine riveled my favorite Ivan and Allison routine, “Why”. Legacy really stood out for me. And I could even stand Kathryn. Bravo.
Peter and Pauline-it’s hit or miss with Wade, while I didn’t get the concept, I agree, Peter really hit it out of the park and committed to it. It would have been more effective if their costumes had actually matched the painting I think. Also-WOW to the set dressers on that one.
Ellenore and Ryan- Again, shocking. I am back and for on Ryan and I love Ellenore, and they really knocked it out of the park with this. Although Ellenore’s costume sucked.

Seth found out last night that Evelynn means “little bird” which is kind of the cutest thing ever. I added some bird stuff to her registry at Target.

I am putting off taking Seth’s watch back to the store and going to the grocery store. I used up all my awesome wife credits Monday night. Plus I’m pouting that stupid watch doesn’t work. What the heck? I did have a dream it worked though. So I woke up this morning all confused about if it worked or not.

Speaking of marriage credits, Seth got quite a few in last night, even though I was trying to be supportive and stay at out of his way and not nag him. He was supposed to come home early and didn’t but got Qudoba on his way home. So that was awesome, then he scanned the ultrasound pictures for me, and he put the new Surefit slip cover on Evelynn’s recliner from her Uncle Jesse for me.

A word about those surefit slip covers. WOW. I grew up with slip covers on furniture and let me tell you, they were a PAIN. A major pain. This thing is amazing. It looks like a whole new chair. The slip cover hugs it and it is super soft, it is just perfect. I seriously thought we were going to have to dump the chair, even after its extensive cleaning because the fabric of the chair was rough and still had some questionable patches of weird on it. As soon as this cover went on, I was in love with the chair and it felt like it belonged in the nursery. We got a chocolate brown cover to match the drapes. Love it. I got it from Bed Bath and Beyond, and while I scoffed at the price, the 20% off coupon helped and once we got it on the chair, it was worth every stinking penny. Plus when Evelynn explodes on that chair (as I have been informed she will at some point) I can just take the cover off and wash it and then nag Seth to put it back on, because it’s a little labor intensive.

More Seth husband points-after we got the slip cover on he sat in the chair and pretended to be holding Evelynn and practiced rocking in the chair. It might have made me heart melt into a million pieces. Then he promised me he would put her crib up this weekend and my heart exploded like the Grinch’s.

I just ate some fake Doritos and Hershey’s chocolate bar pieces. That’s weird, right?

I lost three fingernails out of boredom last night. Just clipped them off and filed them down. They were making it hard for me to play on my CarrieBerry.

I ironed roughly 10 of Seth’s shirts last night, including the new ones for his suit and big meeting tomorrow and Friday. I still have 10 more to go and two pairs of pants. It’s been a while since I’ve ironed. I used to love to do it, but not so much anymore.

I just realized its November 4th and I haven’t changed my desktop wallpaper calendar. I should probably do that…I realized when I was criticizing the out of date bulletin board in my head when I went to go get more hot water for my tea. Whoops.

Evelynn is as big as a banana this week. Ick, I hate bananas. I wonder if she will like them. I hope not, I can’t even stand the smell of them.

Speaking of the future Miss Evelynn Hellbusch, Seth asked me what I thought she was going to look like last night. I hope she has his blue eyes. And she will either have blond or red hair. Both Seth and I were blond babies but red hair does run in both of our families. And apparently, according to her ultrasound photos, she is going to have some amazing legs. I hope she and the kidtens get along well too. Bags is already super protective of her and stands guard at night over her. Both cats love to lay right on top of her and purr. Then she kicks them. Then they purr some more. I’m hoping it’s secret code and not, get off me you stinking cats!

The Mayo clinic book said that this week starts when she will be able to start tasting things. So I’ve been trying to eat all my favorite foods so she will love them like I do. I wish I could drink all my favorite sodas, but I have a hard enough time with her being amped up and having a dance party in my womb. I can’t even imagine what caffeine would do to her.

It’s November! That means my birthday is roughly in 25 days. I think. You know me and numbers. I will be 28 years old…yeesh. That’s hard to say.

Many thanks to blog reader/contributor L’ara who has been helping me out with my registry; I’ve learned so much in the past two days. Apparently my cute little girl will be an exploding bundle of goo. And that takes lots of burp clothes, blankets, and outfits to manage. Also sheets and changer covers. Who knew? She is a wealth of knowledge. Bless you.

I’m seriously considering eating the cheese stick next to me. But I’m still kind of full from the fake Doritos.

I miss my XM, like bad. I’m secretly hoping my brother in law Cody reactivates it for me for Christmas. He’s pretty much the only person who would do that. So my choices are old CD’s I’ve made (because I haven’t gotten around to making the new ones, although they are on my phone) and the radio. Silence is not an option because, well, then I hear the engine and spend the entire ride wondering if that noise is normal or new. Anyway, I flipped around in the morning and noticed that the radio DJ’s from Star 104.5 are gone-Glennboy and Glo? My mom worked with Glo on a production of Chicago years ago and she was really nice. So I’m all sorts of confused, I even checked the website and yup, no trace of them. Omaha area, any insider info as to what happened? I’m in the dark. I’ve been in a magical place called XM where I can listen to BBC and CNN and feel informed and smart all day.

Okay lovelies, they actually have real work for me to do. Scroll down and gaze at my sweet baby girl some more. My “little bird”.

Love (to have listened to my head and stayed at home all day today),

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