Friday, November 20, 2009

A taste for irony has kept more hearts from breaking than a sense of humor, for it takes irony to appreciate the joke which is on oneself.

Well hello blog world! I'm on day three of my bed rest. I'm starting to feel much better, but I'm not sure if that's my attempt to not go stir crazy or not. I've had lots of random thoughts to share with you all.

I can't decide if I liked Grey's Anatomy last night. I did like the whole "holiday" vibe. It actually got me kind of excited for the holidays. But I'm not sure how to feel about some of the storyline developments. It was nice to see Hunt give Yang one of those hard core kisses that he gave her the first time we met him though!!

I've been wondering if Evelynn dreams when she sleeps. I asked Seth and he asked me what she would be dreaming about. I couldn't come up with anything good. What I do hope though, is that she isn't having some of the same strange dreams that I'm having. Good Lord. Two nights ago I dreamed a wildly inappropriate dream about Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap. And last night I dreamed that I was cooking this huge meal with Kathy in Home Depot and I would get mad when people would come by and try to eat from it. Also for some reason Willow was there and was making a ruckus and the Home Depot lady said if we didn't take her home then we had to go. And I was trying to figure out how to get all this food out of there. Strange.

I've been watching a lot of "True Life" on my bed rest. So far I've watched one about Steroids, one about homeless people, one about people who can't leave their boyfriends, and one about people with poor parents.

I also watched this really great HBO documentary on the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. (I'm not sure if I spelled that right...spell check has no idea what I'm talking about...) How did I not know this happened? It was really enlightening.

I also watched the X-files 2 movie which was strange and terrible. I thought I missed something. I wasn't sure what was going on. All of the sudden Mulder and Scully are sleeping together talking about their dead kid (again with the dead kids-Oy!) and then the case wasn't really X-file-y. Lame.

Basically I'm waiting for the Criminal Minds marathon to start. I mostly spend the first part of the day searching for marathons. I have yet to stumble across another Gangland marathon, which is probably a good thing.

Last night Seth went thru all the black friday ads I had found on the net and made a list of what he wants to get. I'm pretty excited that he's excited about it. I think we may get a new TV for upstairs-finally!

SYTYCD is ruining commercials for me. I just found myself watching that weird GAP commercial and wondering if any of the people were SYTYCD contestants and if any of the choreographers I know from the show may have choreographed it.

I officially want those reebok shoes that are supposed to make your butt and thighs look better. Since I have to wear tennis shoes everyday anyway, and I haven't gotten a new nice pair my sophomore year in college, I think it's time. Plus they are cute and pink. I'm sure they are hundreds of dollars though.

The kidtens are driving me cuckoo bananas today. They are fighting and whining and meowing at the top of their lungs for water. It's cute though, they have been trading off who has to sit with me all day. And they bring me cat toys. Old scary ones I haven't seen in forever. Like Willow's original favorite toy "mousey" that Bagheera ate the face off of. So it's like the scariest toy ever, especially when you take a little nap and wake up and right next to your face or in your hand.

This weekend Seth and I are going up to see my Grandpa since we finally had our flu shots. The car ride isn't too long and I can lay back for most of it. Also I need to start building my stamina up so I can go back to work on Monday. Other than that its another weekend of letting Seth work on his Masters project. I want to go to the thrift stores and look to see if there is anything that we can use for a armoire/closet for Evelynn's room. There is this store called Thrift America that usually has lots of furniture. We have been watching the baby consignment stores, but so far the most they in furniture are saucers and high chairs.

Okay friends, that's all the randomness that I have for today. Maybe I'll have more later, but I've hit my limit on sitting up for now!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Love (that Thanksgiving is almost here!),

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