Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nothing is as simple as we hope it will be.

Hello world! Happy Thursday!

Foot, meet mouth
So after I go on a mini rant on my last blog about the lack of my favorite bloggers blogging, I get sick, stay home from work for a day (hence the lack of blog posting yesterday) and come back and BAM! There are tons of blogs posted. So my lesson here is to whine more, or stop checking my blog roll every 45 minutes.

Sorry I didn't get the spoilers up for you yesterday!! I hope you watched anyway. Here are my thoughts on the night:
Brandon/Janette - Argentine Tango (New choreographer) & Pop Jazz (Wade Robson) This couple is always impressive, and they did a great job with their pieces. I think the Tango was my favorite, but it was nice to finally watch a Wade Robson piece and not go, WTF just happened here? I voted for them.
Kupono/Kayla - Contemporary (Mia Michaels) & Broadway (Joey Dowling) LOVED the Mia piece, like bawled hysterically and rewound it four times. I'm about over that broadway chick though. I voted for them.
Phillip/Jeanine - Russian Folk Dance & Jive (Tony Meredith) *meh* it was alright. It's hard to top Twitch and Joshua's folk dance from last year, there was just so much energy. I love Jeanine though.
Evan/Randi - Hip Hop (Nappy Tabs) & Samba (Pasha Kovalev and Anya Garnis) I'm sad because I love Evan, but this wasn't the best last night. I voted for them just to keep Evan safe, but I'm glad they are getting split up next week, that Randi girl just seems like a bitch. PS YAY bringing back old contestants to choreograph!
Jason/Cailtin - Foxtrot (Tony Meredith) & Jazz (Mandy Moore) SNOOOZE
Ade/Melissa - Disco (Doriana Sanchez) & Waltz (Ron Montez) The disco was fun, but they weren't the best of the night.

Tyce was surprisingly quiet which made him tolerable as a judge tonite. I still want to know what the choreographers think of the dancers performances. Cat looked ADORABLE last night. What did you all think? Are you excited to see new partners next week?

MJ's funeral
I watched some of it online on a little bit before lunch. It was pretty anticlimactic. When I got back from my other building business, I saw the part with his daughter and I just BAWLED. I was heartbroken for her. And I was mad because it seemed like her aunt and relatives were really pimping her out there. I'm waiting for someone to do a comparison to see if those kids really look like MJ. Like pre surgery old school MJ. Because they look more like Johnny Depp's kids to me.

The weekend
This weekend we are trying to keep it low key. Speaking of Johnny Depp we are hoping to see his movie on Sunday. Our usual matinee. I forgot it came out! I've been so focused on Harry Potter coming out!! (Which LORD I'm excited for that.) Seth needs a haircut before Cheeto and Whit's wedding on August 1st. I find that if he does it a couple of weeks in advance it doesn't look so bad. So I think I will try to get him over for that this weekend too.
I wanted my dad to come do the tile, but it looks like he will be tied up with another project. Its okay, he does more than enough for us as it is! I'm trying to encourage him to start his shop rebuilding project so Seth can help him with that, a little pay back or help back, since Dad helps us.

Gordon Ramsey's The F word
Man I LOVE this show. Seriously. It's on BBC America if you guys aren't watching it, I don't know what you are doing instead. Last night was hilarious, and a couple of the dishes looked like real possibilities! Some of my best recipes come from that show.

I've given up. Sorry. It officially got the delete last night.

Intervention and Obsessed
Man that Nikki girl on Intervention was a WRECK. I was surprised that her end screen didn’t say she was dead or on the methadone again. I'm confused as to how these people get so many pills. Like doesn't insurance track that you have 6 of the same prescription from 6 different doctors. My pharmacist knows EVERYTHING I take, she even recommends what cold medicine will be more effective with the prescriptions I have. But I heart her, shout out to Tiffany at the Target Pharmacy on L-You are the BEST! I get panicky when I pick up my scripts and she's not there. I'm like Tiffany still works here right?
The people on Obsessed were meh. That one girl I can't believe her boyfriend didn't leave her, or why couldn’t they move out. That's half of her issue, I can't believe her roommates didn't kick her out or leave. Dude if there were SIGNS berating me on how to wash dishes…LORD. Also if she had such a problem with it, why didn't she just say, I'm in charge of the kitchen, I'll do the cleaning. It's kind of something you establish BEFORE you move in with a bunch of people. Like when I lived with Pam and Jason, it was just a given that I didn't shower in their shower and we kept the kitchen as clean as possible for the next person. Dishes weren't left in the sink, you pulled your weight. I think her final challenge though should have been to do the tower of terror though, since she was afraid of elevators. The horder pissed me off. She wasn't like the other guy who had NO ONE and was all alone, her kids came to see her. It was almost like she was lazy, if she was that worried about how people would look at her hoarding. Is it so hard to buy some rubbermaids? If it looks organized at least people won't question it. Well unless you are like Mel Gibson in that movie where he's a taxi driver obsessed with Julia Roberts. That was an organized hoarder.

Catch up!
Alright lovelies! I've got to catch up from my day out of the office. I hope you have a great day and HANG IN THERE!! The weekend is almost here!!

Love (for new news to be good news),

1 comment:

  1. First, regarding MJ's kids, maybe Johnny Depp is the dad, since MJ isn't! Or maybe the sperm donor is a Johnny Depp look alike, which would also be nice for the kids, although they would probably be OK looking like a Jackson, none of their original faces are that ugly...

    I haven't got through all of SYTYCD but I've made it through all of the first dances and they were all pretty good except Jason & Caitlin. It might be her turn to go, but sometimes she really brings it on the solo, so who knows. LOVED the Mia Michaels. Had to watch it twice.


Please leave your thoughts and comments below-I'd love to read them! But if you're dirty spammy comments, I'm going to delete you.