Thursday, July 23, 2009

What's another word for Thesaurus?

Thursday! Where did you come from you sneaky little minx?

Comic Con
So Comic Con is going on today in San Diego and I'm reading all the blogs and the news updates about it and I'm so very very jealous my lip may be stuck in a permanent pout for an unspecified amount of time. As may have slipped out before, I secretly want to go to Comic Con more than like 20 other things on my list of things to do in this world.

Did you watch last night? How about that Tyce piece? For the first time ever, I actually was moved by a Tyce piece. FINALLY, I've been wondering what the hullabaloo was about. Also-Laurie Ann (Boom Kat) ROCKS. Let's have her on all the time. I kind of heart her, mostly because she used my new jam-"Battlefield" by Jordin Sparks. I LOVED Ellen as a judge though. Can she come back every week? Did you all watch? It's getting down to the wire!! Don't forget tonite is going to be the 100th episode and it's going to be SO AWESOME with all the favorite moments. I can't wait to see Joshua again!!

President's Speech
The other part of the evening I watched the president's speech. Nothing horribly exciting to report there.

This weekend
Hopefully this weekend stays quiet again. We have a big day Monday morning so I need it to be restful. Just know I may not blog Monday if the morning doesn't go well. Saturday we are going to the Lockheed Martin picnic and then to Dan and Kathy's for dinner (yum!). Sunday we have church and HARRY POTTER. Seriously my Mom has officially seen it before me, she also has Netflix and downloads them to her PS3, I feel like I'm in the dark ages, next thing you know I'll be writing letters on typewriters while she sends me emails from her blackberry.

Tonite we are supposed to go to Kohl's to help Seth's brother Chet pick out something to wear for Cheeto and Whitney's wedding in less than a week. I really don't want to go, I just want Pepperjax afterwards, but they need my card so they can use the coupons. Nuts.

Once again
I'm leaving you short. Sorry guys, I'm just not that eloquent this week. Hopefully next week I will have TONS OF AWESOME to write about. See you tomorrow!

Love (red and yellow bell peppers),

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