Tuesday, August 4, 2009

An intelligence test sometimes shows a man how smart he would have been not to have taken it.

What a lovely Tuesday. I wish I was home in bed snoozing enjoying the weather. I'm glad that it is storming though because last night I kept seeing flashes of lighting and I thought I was losing my mind because Seth never saw them and thunder never followed. We had the blinds down because we have the air on, so I could never be really sure of what I saw. This morning I finally heard thunder so I was relieved that I wasn't on the crazy train.

Willow Sabu-Princess Kitty
My cat has royalty issues. She demands to lay on our guest bed all by herself (if you lay with her or if Baggy lays with her you get stink eye and a butt in your face) and you must come in and visit her and pet her there. She won't come to you much anymore. And recently she has done the most high maintenance thing I have ever seen. Bags usually gets a piece of lunch meat if I'm making Seth's lunch sandwich or if I'm making Seth's breakfast. It's our cute little thing, he knows its coming and he squawks at me if I'm falling behind his designated morning snack time. He waits as patiently as he can while I get everything out. It's pretty adorable. Lately though, Willow has been present for these sessions. I've tried to give her half of the piece of lunch meat, but she just looks at me like I'm an idiot. Last night she came in and sat on the kitchen table bench and pawed and meowed at me. Not wanting to waste lunch meat or over feed Baggy, I tore a thumb sized piece off for her. She purred and picked up the piece with her paw and gobbled it up. Then she mewed and pawed at me again. I tried it again. We did that about four times. The next time I did it, the piece of meat fell flat on the bench and she couldn't scoop it up. She looked at me like I was a flippin idiot. I folded it up so she could scoop. After six pieces, she was done. She left with her little tail tick tock crocing as she sauntered out of the kitchen. Baggy still scarfing his piece of meat and making "nom nom" noises, but even he paused in awe of what just happened. This morning she showed back up as if we were going to repeat the ritual, but I tore the piece too big, she scoffed and pittered off, as if she had better things to do then wait for me to get my shit together on how she was to be fed.
She was a TERROR this morning. At 5 am she decide it was time to play. I don't understand why she can't go play in the living room. Oh because then it wouldn't disturb my sleep. She brought mousey (her favorite toy) and dropped it off the step ladder we have in the bedroom (to put DVD's in the player) over and over trying to attack it and catch it before it hit the ground. Eventually she woke up Bagheera so then he decided to see what she was up to. When I finally made Seth yell at her at 5:20, she looked at him like he was an idiot and went right back to making the MOST ANNOYING NOISE IN THE WORLD. I got up in a rage and kicked everyone out-but then I felt bad because I heaved Bags out of the room and all he was doing was watching, so I went into the hall to pick him up from where I had unceremoniously dumped him out of the room and brought him back to bed. Willow showed up shortly after, thinking that meant she was welcome back in and proceeded to practice her tight rope walking routine between the high dressers. I CAN'T WIN. While she was waiting for breakfast, she practiced her kitty on crack laps around the house while she held mousey. If she wasn't so cute and Seth didn't like her so much, I'd give her to my Dad. He can deal with her brand of princess. Because I'm about to kill her.

Last night my DVR had a seizure every time I tried to watch something, so I only watched Entourage (alright episode, I like Ari centric episodes) and Top Chef Master's and America's Best Dance Crew (I was mislead, I thought it was the first episode and it was more like greatest hits) before I got mad and quit trying to watch my DVR. Every time I fast forwarded and tried to stop, it had a meltdown and completely rebooted, there by screwing up my recording of The Closer, so I have to wait until Saturday again to DVR that. Nice. The only consolation to my TV junkie soul last night was that my Pushing Daises DVD's came and also my Entourage DVD's! Yay!

NPP Forever?
I have an interview today for a permanent position at NPP (right now I'm just a contractor). I'm nervous, but not nervous because I think I like the qualities they are looking for, just nervous because I tend to be a huge goon during interviews. Like giant goon. I tell you things you don't really care about and ramble on for hours. Plus my pants are tight today (they were the loosest ones I can find, I haven't worn dress pants in forever-most of my dress pants are packed away) and everything is all squished and crabby in my lady region area. At the moment it's all I can think about. I feel like a can of biscuits waiting to pop.

Thanks Oprah!
Oprah gave away a free book yesterday, "Let the Great World Spin" by Colum McCann. I started it (it was a free PDF) and it is a really great book, very visual and just has some of the most beautiful descriptions I've read in a while. I also finished the book "Liar, Liar" and am getting close with "The Chess Machine"-I put a new book for my bathtub book in the bathroom, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is right now. It's one of the library freebie stack.

Okay so I just read that "Radio Shack" is changing its name to "The Shack" and a couple months ago I read that "Pizza Hut" changed its name to "The Hut". I think that sucks. I also think it sucks that they changed the Nickelodeon logo so instead of the slime splat it's just a straight boring line of letters. EPIC FAIL.

Sleepy in the Pants
Alright Friends, that's all the thoughts I have in me today. I can hardly keep my eyes open again. It's just such a lovely day for sleeping. If I didn't have this interview today, I'll bet you money I would have stayed home and enjoyed the weather and the napping.

Love (cloudy grey days),

1 comment:

  1. and yet another reason why we lock the kitties out at night...because i can't leave peaches in with me and let her pee/crap on my stuff and i can't trust sasha to breath in the direction of anything near and dear to me...


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