Wednesday, August 5, 2009

No man is exempt from saying silly things; the mischief is to say them deliberately.

Hello, welcome to Hump Day. I swear to all that is good that I the second I fell asleep last night my alarm went off. So needless to say I feel completely unrested and brain function is at an all time low.

Last night I watched Top Chef Masters (finally caught up!) I like these rounds better then the first ones, the champion rounds or whatever, but it was really neat to see the best of the best compete against each other. I also was pretty excited to see Tom from Top Chef, because I kind of heart him.
Seth and I (for the brief 45 minutes Seth had to sit down and eat) watched Big Bang Theory reruns, which were all kind of hilarious.

Homes For Sale!
Kathy is putting her house on the market today and I am anxiously awaiting the listing to go live on NP Dodge so I can link it here for you. I don't know if my loyal readers are looking for a home in the Omaha area, but you might know someone. Heavy Baggage Blogger L'ara is looking for a buyer too, so as soon as I get Kathy's listing I'll make a special post for both of them.

It's time for SPOILERS!
*Louis Van Amstel to choreograph.
*Mia Michaels, Adam Shankman, Tyce DiOrio and Debbie Allen to guest judge.
*Top 4 Group Routine by Wade (could be on results night)

Jeanine & Evan - Sonya Tayeh
Jeanine & Kayla - Contemporary - Mia Michaels
Kayla & Brandon - Broadway - Tyce Diorio
Brandon & Evan - Pop Jazz/Hip Hop - Laurieann Gibson
Kayla & Evan - Jive
Jeanine & Brandon - Paso Doble

Spoilers for the finale:
*Talia of SYTYCD Australia to perform a Sonya routine.
*Guest performance from "The Rage Boyz".

If you want more details and a more indepth review by someone who was at the taping last night, here is a link to a seat filler who posted a review:
Trust it's a thorough review! The writer did a great job.

My mom is in Florida and I miss her. Not like I would be seeing her if she is in town, but I think the fact that she's out of the state just makes me uncomfortable.

So our dear friend Cheeto and Whitney are baking in the Mexican sun right now on their honeymoon and I swear some days, it's all I think about. Like I want to be there so bad I almost cry about it. I'm so jealous. I want to write them emails all day long and remind them to have a great time because it will be over fast and to do all this stuff that I loved and eat all these things that are fantastic. When they come back and tell me all about it, I might cry through the whole story. I miss Mexico so bad. I officially want to get a little summer villa there like the people on House Hunters International. I wonder if my parents would go in on it with me…Shoot now I want Mexican food.

My lunch is sucktakular today, which is sad because I really need it to be a rockstar lunch so that I have some inspiration to make it thru the rest of the afternoon. On the flip side, I think I might have pizza for dinner tonite…

Have I ranted to the blog world yet about how much I HATE sunshine, and heat, and summer in general? Well if I have, I apologize, but the weather is about to spend the next week in SWEATY HELL so I'm complaining again. I hate summer. I hate squinting on my drive home and to work. I hate sweating. I hate humidity. Is it fall yet? Fall is great, you get to wear cute layers and the leaves are pretty. There is generally NOTHING good about summer in Nebraska. I need to find somewhere that has summers that get no warmer than 70-75 and stays pretty much overcast. Where is that? You tell me so I can try to get Seth to transfer there.

Carrie, Out
Okay kids, since hopefully I will be back today with a special, buy my friends houses post, I'll leave you for now. Plus it's time to eat my string cheese. And you know I don't like that time of day messed with.

Love (cheese),

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