Thursday, September 17, 2009

Quick Post before Training

Here, as promised, are the two baby blogs to quell your intense missing of me today.
I'll be in training trying to play on my Carrieberry and not get noticed.
8 weeks 3 days
Hey Bean! I was mad at you last night. Lord almighty you made me sick last night. Seriously, I've never vomited that hard in my life. And unfortunately I spent the better part of the evening drinking tropical punch kool aid, so it was like, Technicolor fun.
I've been starting to think about doing a little more working out and moving around and see how you react. I know you didn't like it before with the spotting. But I'm starting to put on weight like a motherhonker and my pants are fitting anymore. And I don't like shaving my legs enough to try my skirts. Plus I don't think I can wear skirts here at work.
Speaking of work, I had an interview yesterday and I had to tell them that you existed because some of the job required heavy lifting. Since you seem to be having fun with my sciatic nerve and making that hurt if I'm not wearing tennis shoes 24/7, I had to tell them I couldn't do the lifting. It was nice though, being able to talk about you.
Seth tells you good night every night Bean, and he tells you to stop making me sick, but if making me sick means you are going to be healthy and perfect, then Seth is going to have to clean a lot of toilets. He cleaned his first one last night! I told him if I had to puke in that dirty toilet I might as well just puke in a bucket which would be more work for him. He's been super stressed lately with work, and school and family drama. I'm just trying super hard to keep him happy and hope he get thru this tough time without his head exploding.

9 weeks and 3 days
Oh Bean. I can't wait to see you next week! I hope you look a little less blobby and a little more baby. You supposedly have arms and legs and a weird shaped head. According to the thousands of web pages I read on the subject.
Daddy’s insurance has sent us “The Mayo Clinic’s Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy” and I love reading it. Now if I could just get your Daddy to read it and stop wondering why I smell so bad all the time or why my face looks like a 16 year old boys.
People have been so nice to me lately and they deserve mention-Aunt Pam and Uncle Jason brought over all the newborn diapers (hopefully) you will ever need (234!) and your first teddy bear. Grammy and Uncle Jesse came and cleaned our house when I was having an epic meltdown because I couldn't throw up in a dirty toilet anymore. It was making throwing up more violent because the thought of having my head thisclose to dried poo made me vomit harder. Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dan have been giving moral support and getting excited about buying you things and planning shower! Aunt Jeni has been giving amazing spiritual support via email and has promised to use her amazing talent that I adore to take pretty pretty pictures of you when you are born. Uncle Cody and Uncle Chet waited on me hand and foot at Cheeto and Whitney's wedding, getting me special drinks, food, and even things out of the car when I needed them. Uncle Chet also comes over and does the yard work since Daddy is too busy with everything else to do it. It helps out more than he knows. Even the people at my work have been so nice, listening to my litany of whining and panic attacks about random pains and weird body changes. Your Daddy has been the best of all, and he always tells you good night and to be good every night. Even when we had the death plague at the beginning of the week. Your Grammy brought us dinner so that we didn’t starve to death. I just thought you should know Bean, that people love you so much already. And there are so many people praying for you, it's unreal.
And I can't wait for the first trimester to be over-3 weeks and 4 days! I can't wait to start showing and telling people and most of all I can't wait to put this stinking blog up and be able to tell everyone on the blog why I am brain dead and tired all the time. I'm pretty sure the blogsphere things I have mono.
In not fun Bean news, I almost puked in my car again, but I lost my plastic bag under the seat and had to pull over. Also my mandatory 4:30 to 6:30 nap is starting to make it hard to fall asleep at night. I may have to start cutting back to just an hour nap and that makes me sad. Mostly because our naps are probably some of the best naps I have ever had in my life. Bar that time your Dad and I were in Mexico and we spent all day in the sun at the pool and ate a huge buffet went back to the room and drew the heavy curtains and turned the air down to 50 and got under the covers in the huge bed and slept for two hours. That may have been the best nap I've ever taken. Close second goes to the fall naps after a hot bath during a thunderstorm on your Grammy and Gramps screened in porch bed. Allergies have kicked up since it decided to finally start being a hot summer (boo) and so I'm miserable. I can't take any medicine so I take steam baths with eucalyptus scented bubble bath and then try to fall asleep before my nose clogs up. Every time I start to get worn out and weepy about it, I remember that you are trying to grow your brain, lungs, heart, and dirty bits, and then I put the antihistamine down. I want you to have good strong parts, the best I can help you make.
Lately all I can do is think about food though. It's all I want. Tons of food, mostly food from my childhood that's impossible to get.
One thing I'm looking forward to is going to New York City to see Aunt Natalia in October and tell her all about you Bean, she will be so excited!! And Daddy will be excited to see the Giants play the Cardinals and Mommy will just be happy that Dad is happy and that there might be cheese fries. Mmmmm…

Love (to not be in training),

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