Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Let pleasure expand your perspective.

Wednesday. Hump Day. The day I should have stayed home, but some since of financial duty drug my ass into work this morning. Meh.

Comments from yesterday
Hey Laura! Thanks for answering my questions! Yes the kids are fixed, Bags immediately stopped his assault on my relationship with Seth as soon as we did and we went back to having relations in our bed. We did check the content of the Meow Mix and it was the cheapest brand with the highest protein and least amount of fillers. In all honestly, they don’t eat it that much, I’m secretly guilty of feeding them lunch meat. We have to buy them a separate brand and everything. So they eat way more lunch meat then they do dry food. They only result to the dry food when I’m feeling particularly guilty about feeding my cats 3 dollar for 3.5 oz meat. And I did notice last night Bags let me rub on his gums so I might try at least on him to brush his teeth when he’s relaxed. Thanks for the tips! And I’m super excited to know that I was right, they aren’t nurses, and now we all know they are Vet Techs, which sounds way cooler.
You all didn’t see this, but frequent reader Melissa sent me an answer about the bottles. Apparently a kid can go thru 6-7 bottles a DAY depending on how much they eat, and Melissa, pointed out, that unless you want to be doing dishes all day-you might as well get a dozen or so of them. The ladies at my work also said I needed to get smaller bottles at first. Melissa also pointed out that until the baby is mobile, I can chillax with the freaking about proofing and just do the basic outlet and chemical cabinet stuff. Thanks Mel!

Last night
Last night I went home early and chugged myself to bed to try and catch up on the sleep I missed, but Seth came home almost shockingly after I did, so I didn’t get to sleep that deep because he came in and talked to me. By the time I had fallen asleep he was waking me up to go to dinner with Jesse and Ellyn. Right before we left though, I remembered the new AFI (one of Seth’s favorite bands and one that has really grown on me from his musical tastes) came out yesterday so I hurried and downloaded it (thanks Amazon!) and uploaded onto his TwignBerries to surprise him. He was really happy about it. We had a GREAT dinner with Jesse and Ellyn. It was so nice to see her and they were so cute. She rubbed my belly (between my mom and her they are the only people who have so far) and her and Jesse were so cute. I miss her a lot. She gave me advice on the baby’s room, since she is on her way to being a kick ass interior designer. I hope that she can come over this weekend and give me a little more help.
Then we headed home and Seth remembered that he had big wig meetings tomorrow and he was out of underpants and his power black pants were dirty. So did the laundry for him, since my new goal in life, apparently, is to do as little of the laundry as possible. While I was doing that I folded last week’s laundry (I told you I was behind) and watched So You Think You Can Dance. There were a couple of people in there that really impressed me. The first guy, who was blond and got thru and the guy who was growing up in Drugtown Georgia and wanted to get out. And there were a couple people who put me on the express train to hell, like the one armed lady.

Baby Blog
The Bean is coming along. According to it’s as big as an avocado (although last week it was a navel orange, so I don’t know where the bump is getting their avocados but it’s not Omaha Nebraska) and the baby has fur and is starting to hear things. Which means Seth is going to ride my ass about my sailor mouth. And not in a fun sexy way. In a incessant nagging and concerned looks way. Because I taught him that DAMN ME!!
Let’s see what else? I still apparently have a faucet installed in my underpants.
I love the chocolate cake I (my mom) made and mentioned it three times on three separate occasions to Jesse and Ellyn last night at dinner AND then came home and ate a piece of it heated up in the microwave *drools*.
I still don’t have an appetite. I’m not sure where it went but it ain’t here. Forcing yourself to eat is no fun. I’m not going to make fun of that HBO Documentary “Thin” anymore when the eating disorder girls can’t get up from the table until they’ve eaten their muffin and the cry and thrash around like they are three.
I pee. A lot. Like a horse.
I love the incoming fall weather because I can wear big bulky sweaters until my bump decides to show up for the freaking party.
I’ve changed my mind AGAIN on names I think are cool. Seth will bring me back to the ones we decided three years ago.
I wish I could go back and hold my cousin’s kid again and get over my fear of the wiggles.

Bored but needs to get busy

Alright kiddos, sorry I’m not overly prolific in my post today, I still hit 1000 words, but it’s not all that interesting. My brain is in the bored zone and I have busy work to accomplish. Boo. I hope you all get a chance to enjoy the fall weather and since my nap has been nixed today, I might take the kittens out and check out how our pumpkins are coming along in the garden.

Love (sleeping in but not staying late),



  1. We really could have done with out that link - NASTY is all I can think about to comment on that one.

  2. Nah-you needed the link. If I have to live with it my head, the rest of the world should have to too. :-)

  3. who doesn't wear underwear for something like that?!?!?!?!?


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