Monday, October 19, 2009

One doesn't have a sense of humor. It has you.

Hello world. Welcome to Monday. I only have a four day work week and then it’s off to NYC!! Hooray!

Weekend Review
We worked hard this weekend. Even me! Friday Seth came home and got right to work on the baby’s room. He worked on the painting. That’s saying a lot considering a couple hours earlier he was in the hospital because his elbow hurt so bad he couldn’t sleep and it had swollen to the size of a grapefruit. Turns out that huge remodel we had to do in the bathroom? The chipping and the glue? Well one of the staple from the floor got him and gave him a lovely infection in his elbow. He had to get a tetanus shot and he’s on a strong antibiotic, which of course is super expensive because he is deathly allergic to penicillin. So I expected all work this weekend to come to a halt. But it didn’t. The antibiotic made him feel loads better and the doctor told him to be sure to move his arms so that the medicine got around. We had to run back to Target to get some shirts for Seth and we tried the new Smashburger on L. It wasn’t that great. They had weenie French fries, which always torques me off.
Saturday we woke up early-ish and ran some errands. One of the biggest errands was going and getting the crib!! I was so excited!! Here is the crib we got. It was pretty painless considering Burlington Coat Factory is more ghetto than Walmart. I was just sure they weren’t going to have any in stock or they weren’t going to let us use my sweet coupon or SOMETHING. But bar having to wait forever until they got it out of stock and how they wouldn’t let Seth load it into the truck while I paid-it went off beautifully. Now fingers crossed the damn thing isn’t damaged or missing parts. The box looks okay, but you never know. We probably won’t get around to putting it up until after we get back from NYC.
So the rest of Saturday I spent doing “helper” work for Seth. Washing paint brushes, moving drop clothes, mainly standing around waiting for something to do. It was pretty boring. But Seth got the carpet steam cleaned and the painting done and even got the bathroom done so that Sunday I could get my bathroom back. I quit helping around 7 to cook Seth a nice dinner. I made him a pan glazed steak, glazed with garlic, red wine, and butter. He said it was awesome. I also made garlic cheddar mashed potatoes to complement it. And a gravy, which didn’t turn out so magical. Mostly runny. I pan glazed it and then because Seth likes his steak well done, I put it in the cast iron skillet in the toaster oven under broil with the butter sauce for about 20 minutes, taking out frequently to turn it and butter the edges. I had salad, potatoes, and green beans. Yummy.
Sunday we woke up again and went out to find Seth a suit. He has an important meeting coming up and his four year old sports jacket wasn’t going to cut it. We went a couple different places but ended up at JC Penny were the service was great and the price was better. I don’t know why we didn’t start there in the first place since everyone told us to go there and that’s where we got Seth’s sports jacket.
We came home and Dad had come over and almost finished with the toilet. Then he recaulked my bathtub, while he had the caulking out, which I was happy about, but sad too since that meant that I couldn’t take a bath last night. (It needs 24 hours to dry) We spent the rest of Sunday putting on the trim in the baby’s room (I filled nail holes) and Seth and Dad moved the furniture back into the baby’s room and got the crib out of the back of Seth’s truck. Then I made Seth hamburger veggie soup from his Mom’s recipe in the crockpot and we watched some TV and went to bed.

Weekend TV
We got a lot off the DVR this weekend since we would crap out exhausted about 8 and sit down to eat and not get back up. We caught up on Heroes (WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON, WE ARE SO LOST!), Dollhouse (snooze, I only watch this because Seth wants to), Num3ers (Larry leave already, you are annoying), Criminal Minds (great episode this week), Castle (LOVE LOVE LOVE), and a couple other odds and ends I can’t remember. I watched Law and Order SVU and regular (good episodes), and Ghost Whisperer (meh), I found out Ugly Betty is onDemand so I might catch up with that tonite if Jesse doesn’t come over to work. We also watched Mad Men which-UGH-disgusted me. Although I’m glad Betty knows about “Don” now.

Bean’s blog
On Saturday been turned 19 weeks old! Way to go Bean! It is the size of a mango these days and has some kind of cheese like waxy crap on it to keep it from getting wrinkly. I think Bean is jamming out more, although Seth can’t feel it and he’s very sad. He sat with his hand on my belly for about an hour waiting to feel something, even though I was feeling the kicks, he couldn’t. Bean loves food, anytime I eat it has a dance party. It’s been pushing up against my back more, which sucks having to sit here all day, but it’s alright, as long as Bean stays healthy.
My mom made a comment about how much happier and better I had sounded last night on the phone (she’s in Baltimore this week) and just how she can tell the meds are working and what a difference they have made just in a couple of days. She said she wasn’t sure about it first, but the immediate difference in my attitude and demeanor has reassured her. I feel a lot better too. Not so overwhelmed or anxious. That could be because we are getting stuff done though.
The room looks so much better with the white trim accents, once the closet gets done and the crib gets put up I will take some pictures for you all.
Bean you are taking your first plane ride on Friday! Yay! And you will go to your first football game and you eat fantastic food.
You had your first Diet Cherry Limeade on Sunday and you thought that was pretty darn awesome. You already have great taste, you must get that from me. Ha.

This week
This week will be busy. Work is picking up and we have a couple people out. And of course I have my vacation starting Friday which I have to wash and pack for. Seth has class and he will be trying to get the house stable enough for Chet to come and stay and not have something fall on him and kill him. Fingers crossed!!

That’s all folks!
Alright friends, unless a magic fairy comes and does my work for me, I’ll have to leave you all. I’ve been waiting for the magic food fairy to come make me lunch and dinner for years now, so I’m thinking the magic work fairy isn’t far behind.
Hope you all have a great day!

Love (taking care of business),

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