Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Really? Only 10:30?

I’m bored and am trying to look busy typing in a word document at work. Did I mention we were getting “reorganized”? I’m not sure what that means, but I hope it means that when the “reorganizers” walk by and see me typing away hurriedly and then they check with IT and IT says, well she was writing in a Word document so she must have been doing work (Oh and also, she keeps this Real Time feed of her blog up all day so she can squeal every time someone visits her blog up) so you should probably just “reorganize” her to being a typer in word all day. And maybe let her take naps, because she types a lot. It probably doesn’t mean that, but in my head it makes total sense (Disregard my previous post about my head being crazy today).

So in an effort to enthrall you so you stick around and read the rest of the post-here is some randomness I’ve thought up or come across:

This blog is hilarious, I’ve just started reading it, you should too and then we should talk about it http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/ I found it on this blog: Jenny The Bloggess which is also but gusting (I totally left that last statement wrong on purpose because it literally took me 12 minutes to figure out why that looked wrong…it’s supposed to be gut busting…but gusting is way better) funny-even my mom reads it and thinks so .

Everyone’s facebook statuses are so insightful or humorous today that it has intimidated me and I haven’t updated my status yet. I was going to write something about not wanting to go to work-but I write something like that every day.

Speaking of facebook, my friend Nigel Campbell put up his acting reel on facebook and youtube, and I feel all warm and squishy knowing someone who has an acting reel and is in SAG. If you are a producer or casting director or someone important in acting related things and you are reading this because you were trying to get out of casting that super hard part you just couldn’t find the perfect person for, I think you should google his name and watch the reel. He’s pretty talented and hilarious.

The guy next to me just took his shoes off, I’m not sure why and I don’t want to ask because I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a 45 minute explanation complete with uncomfortable pauses where I’m not really sure if the explanation is over or not.

The lady that sits next to me started her outage job and is down in a different part of the building and I miss her. She laughs at my jokes and lets me lay on the couch in her cube and tells people it’s because I’m pregnant and to leave me alone.

I’m blatantly picking my nose today. The air is so dry in here I’ve given up being discreet about it. The guy next to me can’t judge me, he’s not wearing shoes.

This is my suggested “must read” story today on Google News Scientists Discover Rare Vegetarian Spider. Wow, even Google is trying to shit on my day. Spiders *shudders*

I find myself missing a lot of things today. College life, College food, Good friends I used to talk to regularly but don’t anymore, the days when Jon and Kate liked each other or were at least faking it, when my brother’s migraines didn’t ruin his life, Sammy the cat, my old cellphone, when I liked my job, the people in my life who made me laugh and smile everyday who were eaten by some sort of monster, blogs I loved to follow posting regularly, when I won contests on blogs…

I should probably explain that, I’ve been trying to win kitchen contests from Pioneer Woman for weeks now. The last couple weeks she gave away a couple Kitchen Aid mixers (DREAM) and fancy knives and I wrote eloquent comments to try and win (ON MY CARRIEBERRY EVEN! I wasn’t sure work was letting me post them, sometimes they are crappy like that, like when I want to post on Joshilyn Jackson’s blog) and I haven’t. I mean, I would have rather used all my good winning luck to win that signed Joshilyn book, but man…can a girl get a free Kitchen Aid Mixer??

There are a lot of Mormon women who write blogs about their families. And Jesus. But mostly their families, and they are great writers and they have adorable kids. True Story.

I’m afraid my husband’s job is taking gross advantage of him and he is so loyal and so focused he doesn’t realize it and won’t stand up for himself and we will be doomed to live in this tax bracket forever when he is clearly worth his weight in gold.

I’m still mad at my work for blocking People of Walmart. Nazi’s.

I find it shocking that the girl who wrote “I kissed a girl and I liked it” has strict scary Jesus parents. Evidence here.

My brother is going to be Lady GaGa for Halloween, no lie. It’s going to be great, he’d better take pictures. Should I be offended that he borrowed some of my clothes for his costume?

The guy, Bryan Singer who did Pushing Daises and some Heroes episodes is doing the next X-men movie http://perezhilton.com/2009-10-12-more-x-men-to-come I’m kind of jazzed about that. Here’s hoping his casts Kristin Chenoweth because she’s freaking rockstar awesome.

Here is a list of stuff I’m going to look up on Wikipedia today, Kennedy assassinations, Taliban, Chernobyl, and Augsburg.

My husband used to call me at least at lunch every day to see how my day was going, now I can’t get him on the phone at all. That makes me sad.

There is a guy at work who is such an asshole, I would love to punch him in the face. But I’m really nice to him and laugh at his stupid jokes because I don’t want him to pick on me. He still does. This morning he told me it was nice to see me wearing girl clothes again and he always tries to give me commands on what I should be doing when I’m pregnant, you know, because he’s been pregnant before so he knows. Yesterday he told me I was getting my own gravitational pull. Oh and he’s an insufferable know it all.

I am wearing my own clothes today-and I’m very proud of myself. Really it’s just a sweater coat and t-shirt, whatever, it’s the first time in like a week I’ve looked in my own drawers.

We will eat at home tonite and I have no idea what to have for dinner. I snuck out and got Taco Bell last night so I have to be good and not whine about eating out this weekend. It’s hard to transition from grill season to cooking on the stove season so rapidly. My mindset isn’t ready for that. I’m still like, Seth you could have a steak…oh wait, it’s snowing.

I miss DisneyWorld. I think they put crack in the water and meth in the air. I want to go back like yesterday. I’m thinking of giving birth and when the kid is old enough giving my parents doe eyes and seeing if they will take us back and watch my kid the whole time while I run around screaming about how much I love DisneyWorld.

No really, I’m probably going to go to Cancun with my husband for our long delayed honeymoon next year for our anniversary. That is if I can fathom leaving my six month old with my parents. I may not be able to do it. Then again, I did visibly cringe at the crying child in Babies R Us Sunday…

Here are some things people don’t tell you about pregnancy: Your lady parts turn into Niagara Falls. You will be excited you don’t have to do the whole time of the month thing, but you won’t be excited when you have to start wearing pads because when you sneeze or laugh too hard you pee your pants a little. There is a strict ban on medication unless you are dying or will die without it. Your doctor will give you a concerned look whenever you talk about flying somewhere and then says scary things about blood clots and walking around the flight like a crazy person. There is an awkward in between stage where you just feel and look fat, and everyone who tells you different is lying-the length of this stage is based on your body type. You alternate between exhaustion and insomnia, but never do you actually have the full bore energy you once did. It’s hard not to think, at least once during sex, that you are letting your baby get poked in the head.

At what point do I get to stop shaving my legs and lady bits and blame it on the baby? I’m thinking yesterday.

I’ve rearranged our storage so many times I don’t even know where things are anymore, I tried to find my snowboots and failed.

I’m shocked that my NYC vacation is coming up so quickly. It surprises me. I almost want it to come and go so that we can know the sex of the baby.

I’m worried the baby will turn and we won’t get to find out. Then my head will explode because I can’t make a decision on decorations without knowing the sex.
Okay I’ve randomized you enough for the day. I might be back later with some more thoughts. Until then-comment away!

Love (well…nothing at the moment),


  1. If the baby is turned, maybe they'll let you jump around a wiggle and stuff. At work, when things were slow we'd stick the ultrasound probe on the pregnant girl. If the baby was a asleep she'd jiggle and shake to wake it up. So, it might work for you... maybe some backflips or something. :-p

    I want to see Nigel's clip! Can I just search You Tube for Nigel Campbell?

    Speaking of winning things and Mormon blogs, a former friend of mine has all sorts of links to baby stuff contests on her blogs. I'll see if I can paste some for you.

    I obviously have nothing to do either. It's my day off and the weather is lousy and I'm putting off working out!

  2. http://www.frugalmommyof2girls.blogspot.com/

    I don't know if this is all of them.


Please leave your thoughts and comments below-I'd love to read them! But if you're dirty spammy comments, I'm going to delete you.